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About Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc maximus risus sed diam tempor, ut porta ligula porta. Praesent facilisis augue id elit tincidunt ultrices. Donec tincidunt a dui a vestibulum. Aenean condimentum malesuada tortor, eget efficitur erat pretium sed. Proin ultrices lacus nisl, ac lobortis velit semper egestas. Aliquam eget ante tempus, vehicula elit at, ultrices nunc. Sed eu pulvinar mi. Proin gravida sollicitudin dolor, nec congue neque commodo at. Vivamus vestibulum ullamcorper dui, id imperdiet ligula egestas eget. Donec pretium eleifend ante a posuere. Suspendisse vitae fermentum sem. Phasellus pretium, risus nec tempus rhoncus, massa neque tincidunt orci, quis porta mi tellus non ligula.

Processing Time


Investment Group

£ 200,000 GBP

Visa Free Travel Within



  • Limited residency required to gain Indefinite Leave to Remain – ILR (only 180 days per year for 5 years)
  • Citizenship after 5 years of residency (plus 1 year)
  • Ability to live in a politically, and economically, stable environment
  • Applicants gain residency in the UK within 3-9 months
  • Limited number of documents to be submitted
  • Visa Free access to approximately 175+ countries (EU; Canada)

Investment Options

Tier 1 Investor Visa

Investors must commit a minimum of £2,000,000 into UK government bonds, share capital, or loan capital. This must be inactive and trading UK-registered companies. The investment must be maintained for a period of five years (with a visa renewal after three years)—after which there is an option to obtain Indefinite Leave to Remain.

A minimum investment of £5,000,000 will accelerate the option for Indefinite Leave to Remain to three years and a minimum investment of £10,000,000 will accelerate the option for Indefinite Leave to Remain to just two years.

Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa

This option is for successful business investors who want to set up or take over a UK based business and actively operate it. Investors must have a transferable minimum amount of £200,000 in personal funds to invest in the business over a period of one year.

The business should create a minimum of two full-time jobs and operate successfully for at least three years in order to gain a visa extension of two more years. Indefinite Leave to Remain is granted after five years. The business must operate within the UK economy, employ British nationals, and is subject to UK taxation.

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